
Lesson number 1 - group A1 (Sara Avraham) - 22/03

Dear girls, how are you? I hope you are all feeling well.

  Our first task is divided into TWO parts:

Part 1:  please do pages 115, 116 (only task A), and 117 in your workbooks. For those of you who doesn't have the books at home, enter the link below. It's the online workbook and you can use it to do this task.

A link to the online workbook: https://school.kotar.cet.ac.il/KotarApp/Viewer.aspx?nBookID=102418192#122.9997.6.default

Part 2: please practice the vocabulary of unit 3 in the following link, do the test and send me your grade in a WhatsApp message. Don't forget to write your name in the message so I know who it is.

The link to the Quizlet game: https://quizlet.com/110096611/just-thinking-unit-3-flash-cards/

Please send me your grades until 20:00. I am here to answer any question. You can either call or send me a message: 052-6392960